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Isi Grefen

Art and Illustrations​​


Born in the seventies in Krefeld, I started taking watercolour painting lessons with the wonderful local artist, Ilse Dangeleit-Melchers, who, apart from sharing my interest in nature, literature, fantasy, Arthurian legends, and things celtic, taught me more about drawing, painting, and life, than I can ever thank her for.
I started studying Veterinary Medicine in Munich in the early years of our millenium, and proceeded to specialize in Reptile Medicine afterwards, all of which for a time forced me to neglect my art.

Originally a watercolour painter (with excursions into pastels and acrylics) of mostly landscapes and only occasionally animals, I stumbled upon coloured pencils early in 2017 and became hooked on drawing animals.
As a specialized reptile vet, I prefer wild animals as subjects as opposed to domesticated pets.
Apart from my obvious interest in animals, I have a fierce love for corvids, England, English language and literature, gardening, and way too many other hobbies I rarely find the time for.
I have a passion for creating things, be that in the form of painting, spinning yarn, designing and knitting, writing, lino-printing or such mundane matters as cooking, baking, and preserving.

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